Research Chair
endif;?> if (!empty(get_sub_field("layout_1_subtitle"))): ?>In Francophone Health in Ontario
endif;?>The Chair is studying the needs of Ontario’s various francophone communities, the capacity of the Ontario health care system to meet these needs, and the impact of language discordance between a health care professional and his or her patient. Finally, this chair is part of a desire to promote interdisciplinary research.

Co-Chair of the Research Chair on Francophone Health in Ontario
Biography of Dr. Louise Bouchard
Dr. Louise Bouchard is a professor at the School of Sociological and Anthropological Studies. She has contributed to the development of a pioneering research program on health in official language minority settings. From 2009 to 2014, she obtained substantial research funding from the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (MOHLTC) for the development of the Applied Health Research Network for Francophones in Ontario. In 2014, the MOHLTC granted her additional funding to develop a GeoPortal on the health of Francophones in Ontario, a platform for bringing together information on socio-demographic data, health conditions, access to services and minority language health professionals, at different geographic scales. Finally, in 2017, she was awarded a CIHR grant for the development of phase 1 of an Observatoire sociosanitaire de la population francophone en situation minoritaire for collaborative research, knowledge mobilization and transfer. Her work has shed light on the impact of minority status as a determinant of health and quality of services by using different approaches: social epidemiology, conceptual mapping of representations, network analysis, geographic information system and qualitative approaches.