Your continuing development, our success
In order to consolidate the teaching and learning culture in Montfort, we seek to offer training tailored to your needs. Continuing development offers many opportunities for people who want to improve their skills, have their knowledge recognized, or simply, to complete a missing training.
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911 Office Emergencies, in a clinic near you
endif;?> if (!empty(get_sub_field("layout_1_subtitle"))): ?>Emergency at work; what to do?
endif;?>911 at the office is an interactive and practical workshop focused on simulation for clinical emergencies. This four-hour training is for healthcare professionals and practicing physicians or those currently completing their training.
At the end of this workshop, the participant will be able to:
- recognize and intervene in critical clinical situations in the office such as haemodynamic disorder, respiratory failure, etc .;
- develop a process for the continuous updating of an inventory of products and tools for critical clinical situations;
- explain the essential elements and the main obstacles to communication and collaboration in an emergency situation;
- use available resources efficiently;
- Conduct a brief and rapid clinical examination of the neurological, cardiac and pulmonary systems
- provide effective cardiovascular resuscitation;
- use the automated external defibrillator;
- provide tissue oxygenation with non-invasive or invasive support;
- initiate the treatment of different urgent clinical conditions;
- administer intra-nasal and intraosseous medication;
- stabilize the patient and prepare for ambulance transport when required.
A unique workshop!
endif;?>All simulation scenarios are realistic. They involve the manipulation of full size manikins and include actors in each scene (nurses, paramedics, patients, secretaries, health professionals, etc.).
We offer an individualized approach to participants:
- A hands-on, interactive workshop with a ratio of 2 instructors for 8 participants in scenarios involving hemodynamic disorders, respiratory disorders and neurological disorders.
- A learning project including the approach described in point 1. Following the registration, the participants will receive a self-management notebook including a practice evaluation questionnaire and an action plan template for dealing with emergencies at the office.
Médecins francophones du Canada recognize this simulation activity for 8 hours of Category 1 credits. In addition, the participant who completed the evaluation exercise will be able to write in his or her self-management plan for continuous professional development the time he or she allotted for the evaluation of its practice, the development of an action plan to improve his or her practice and that of the team.