Nursing Internships

Our Nursing Internships

Your education is important to us. Let us help you develop the skills and competencies that will make you the best professionals there is. We offer several internship opportunities that will allow you to apply the knowledge and skills you acquired during your nursing education.

To apply, please complete the internship application form below.

Internship form

Montfort Clinical Excellence Scholarship

Montfort is involved in developing the next generation of nurses. Each year, Clinical Excellence Scholarship are available to Francophone interns who are in the consolidation phase.

Here is all the information you need to apply for the Montfort Clinical Excellence Scholarship:

  • Objectives

    – Recognize the clinical excellence and commitment of nursing students who choose to do a consolidation internship in French at Montfort.
    – To give financial support to university students during their consolidation internship at Montfort, in one of the six targeted areas of intervention.

  • Number of Scholarships and Target Area

    In total, six scholarships are available. One scholarship for each of the following six areas of intervention: Medicine, Surgery, Critical Care, Family Birth Center, Mental Health and Emergency.

  • Value of the Scholarships

    $3000 each

  • Eligibility

    In order to be eligible the candidate must:

    – be registered in the Bachelor of Science in Nursing at an Ontario university;
    – having chosen, as 1st choice, to complete his or her consolidation internship at Montfort;
    – have an exemplary academic record including an average of at least 80% *;
    – be able to provide quality care and services in both official languages.

    * Any candidate whose average is less than 80% can still be considered if he or she stands out for his or her exemplary record in clinical placements and his involvement in the community.

  • Submission of the Application and Deadline

    Complete the following documents and submit them with the online nomination form:

    • A motivational text explaining the desire to continue your internship in Montfort.
    • A description of your involvement for the Francophonie (eg, volunteering).
    • A description of why you are a prime candidate for this scholarship.
    • An updated curriculum vitae.
    • A transcript from the university.
    • A letter of recommendation from a clinical professor. (Download the document in French Only )
    • Completed Application Form in French (Download the document in French Only)

    All Application Forms (HTML form) are to be completed in French:

    Submissions are accepted throughout the year. The deadline to submit your application is November 10th, every year.

    Please submit your application to the following address:

  • Selection process

    A selection committee composed of three members evaluates scholarship applications:

    – a member of the teaching team at the Institut du Savoir Montfort;
    – a member of the Professional Practice Team;
    – a senior member of the Clinical Services Branch corresponding to the clinical practice area of the application.

    All applicants will be notified of the result of their application by email in mid-january.

    For more information, contact or by phone at 613-746-4621 ext. 6050.

Nurse Practitioner Internship

Montfort employs many Nurse Practitioners (NPs), who supervise internships. Under the supervision of these NP, the intern will have the opportunity to integrate one of the following programs:

To apply for an internship with a Nurse Practitioner at Montfort, please complete the internship application form.

For any question regarding nursing internships, contact or by phone at 613-746-4621 ext. 6050.

Submit an internship application

ProgramAvailable options
Mental Health Program2
Rehabilitation Medicine, Geriatrics and Therapeutic Services and Departure Management Program2
Emergency Services 1

Internship in the Nursing Master’s Program

Montfort has close to 50 nurses with a graduate degree and over 20 nurses with a master’s degree in nursing. The ISM and Montfort are proud to support the students in the success of their studies, and happy to be able to count on their expertise in the realization of many large projects.

See Montfort’s projects by clicking here (French only).

Any intern in the nursing master’s program will be able to choose from the options in the table below.

To apply for an internship in the Nursing Master’s Program at Montfort, please complete the internship application form.

For any question regarding nursing internships, contact or by phone at 613-746-4621 ext. 6050.

Submit an internship application

ProgramAvailable positions
Mental Health Program7
Family Birthing Centre Program7
Rehabilitation Medicine, Geriatrics and Therapeutic Services and Departure Management Program5
Surgery Program3
Emergency Services1
Soins intensifsIntensive Care1
Cliniques ambulatoiresAmbulatory Clinics1
Professional Practice3

Community Healthcare Internship

Montfort offers the opportunity for any student in nursing to do their internship in community healthcare settings. If selected, the interns will choose one of the sectors below and then develop their project with the support of their supervisor.

Consult the list of sectors hosting community healthcare interns.

To apply for a Community Healthcare internship at Montfort, please complete the internship application form.

For any question regarding nursing internships, contact or by phone at 613-746-4621 ext. 6050.

Submit an internship application

Therapeutic Services6C
Day Surgery2A140
Health and Safety Office2C110
Volunteer Office2C212
Cardiac Rehabilitation Clinic (Cardiac Health)2D
Quality and Risk Management2E
Prevention of Infections2E
Emergency room1A
Intensive Care1B
Pre-admission (including telemedicine opportunities)1C
Diagnostic Service1C165
The following Ambulatory Clinics:

Diabetes Clinic
Orthopedic Clinic
Obstetric Clinic
Pediatric Clinic 

Institut du Savoir Montfort, Research1E
External Mental Health Clinic 00B
Patient Food Service and Clinical Nutrition00C175
Protection of Private Life00D152
Community Intensive Treatment Team (ECTI)290 rue Dupuis

Out-of-Province Internship

Montfort welcomes several out-of-province interns each year. Nursing internship opportunities may include observation or consolidation internships (Preceptorship one-on-one). Several clinical services can accommodate interns.

Any request for an out-of-province internship requires a minimum of 6 to 8 weeks of preparation; every intern has to comply with Montfort’s requirements before starting his or her internship. See the list of requirements here.

Observation Internship

A nursing observation internship is recommended for any student who is not at the end of their program. The student will learn by observing his supervisor. He or she is encouraged to ask questions, to staff and patients. The student in observation training does not perform any technique, does not move any patient and does not administers any medication. We recommend this type of internship for up to 3 weeks. Note that the observation internship must be part of the requirements of the applicant’s training program.

Clinical Internship

In a clinical internship (the term internship consolidation or preceptorship is also frequently used), the student is assigned to a single supervisor / preceptor who will allow the intern, under his or her supervision, to meet patients and perform techniques according to his or her skills.

The intern may, depending on his or her skills and scope of practice, participate in most or all of the following tasks:

"I liked the bilingual experience and the level of independence and responsibility."

Thanks to the generosity of the Foundation of Hôpital Montfort, Nina Dambacher, a 4th year Bachelor of Science in Nursing student at Campus Saint-Jean (UAlberta-Edmonton) is receiving the out-of-province internship.  The Foundation presented Ms. Dambacher with a cheque in the amount of $2500 so that she can complete her consolidation in French at Montfort. We wish her the best of success!

Administration of drugs (Oral, Intra Muscular or Sub-Dermal) certain IV drugs in secondary, manipulation (with supervision) and monitoring IV pumps
Electronic documentation Méditech
Sterile dressing / dressing change
Installation and care of a bladder or nasogastric catheter (depending on the area of practice)
Installation of a peripheral venous perfusion
File review (including anamnesis, allergies, code status, medication, prescriptions, blood test results or test)
Vital signs
Capillary blood glucose
Collection of samples
Physical evaluation / monitoring
Basic Care
Inter professional collaboration 
Customer service

The teaching coordinator at Montfort and the internship coordinator determine together, and in anticipation of the internship, the tasks that can be performed by the international intern in nursing.

In addition to the support offered by the supervisor, the intern can count on the experience of the members of the department and the regular follow-ups by the teaching coordinator. Everyone is involved in the internship to enable the intern to achieve his or her objectives. The intern’s schedule is modeled after that of his supervisor.

Note that the clinical internship is recommended for interns at the end of their program. Not everyone can register; it must be part of the requirements of the applicant’s training program.

  • Work Language

    The intern at Montfort must be able to offer quality care in both official languages (French and English). It may be necessary to conduct a telephone interview with the applicant to assess his or her language skills.

  • Orientation

    Each internship includes a mandatory orientation of half a day to a full day depending on the case. During the orientation, the intern will be informed of the policies and procedures specific to Montfort and trained, in both logistics and security, to allow him or her to start the internship properly. An orientation invitation will be sent to the intern approximately two (2) weeks prior to the start of the internship.

  • Preceptor/Supervisor

    The intern will know the identity of the preceptor or supervisor before the beginning of the internship. He or she will also receive all contact details so that the necessary information can be exchanged. In most cases, the intern will meet with the supervisor during the orientation, and will follow him or her afterwards.

  • Schedule

    The shifts are either days and evenings or days and nights. All are 8 hours or 12 hours, depending on the department and service. With the exception of non-clinical areas, where supervisors work from Monday to Friday, weekend shifts are scheduled. The intern will be given the full schedule of his or her internship during the orientation.

  • Dress Code

    The intern will have to purchase his or her own uniforms for clinical internships. For non-clinical placements, professional attire is required.

  • Accommodation

    Montfort does not have student residences. The most popular search and booking platforms on the Web offer decent accommodations, both in terms of comfort and price, just a short walk from the Hospital. See the availabilities here.

  • Medical Care

    All international students must have adequate and valid health insurance coverage in Ontario for the entire duration of their stay. If medical attention is required, see this page.

    For urgent medical needs, call 911.

To apply for an out-of-province internship at Montfort, please complete the internship application form.

For any question regarding nursing internships, contact or by phone at 613-746-4621 ext. 6050.

Submit an internship application

International Internship

Montfort welcomes several international students each year. Nursing internship opportunities are may include observation or consolidation internships (Preceptorship one-on-one). A large number of clinical services can accommodate interns. See the complete list here.

All requests for international internships must be made at least 12 weeks before the beginning of the internship. The applicant must meet Montfort’s requirements by completing the required forms prior to the internship. See the list of requirements here.

Observation Internship

A nursing observation internship is recommended for any international student who is not at the end of their program. The student will learn by observing his or her supervisor. He or she is encouraged to ask questions to staff and patients. The student in observation training does not perform any technique, does not move any patient and does not administers any medication. We recommend this type of internship for up to 3 weeks. Note that the observation internship must be part of the requirements of the applicant’s training program.

Clinical Internship

In a clinical internship (the term internship consolidation or preceptorship is also frequently used), the student is assigned to a single supervisor / preceptor who will allow the intern, under his or her supervision, to meet patients and perform techniques according to his or her skills.

The intern may, depending on his or her skills and scope of practice, participate in most or all of the following tasks:

Administration of drugs (Oral, Intra Muscular or Sub-Dermal) certain IV drugs in secondary, manipulation (with supervision) and monitoring IV pumps
Electronic documentation Méditech
Sterile dressing / dressing change
Installation and care of a bladder or nasogastric catheter (depending on the area of practice)
Installation of a peripheral venous perfusion
File review (including anamnesis, allergies, code status, medication, prescriptions, blood test results or test)
Vital signs
Capillary blood glucose
Collection of samples
Physical evaluation / monitoring
Basic care
Inter professional collaboration 
Customer service

The teaching coordinator at Montfort and the internship coordinator determine together, and in anticipation of the internship, the tasks that can be performed by the international intern in nursing.

In addition to the support offered by the supervisor, the intern can count on the experience of the members of the department and the regular follow-ups by the teaching coordinator. Everyone is involved in the internship to enable the intern to achieve his or her objectives. The intern’s schedule is modeled after that of his supervisor.

Note that the clinical internship is recommended for interns at the end of their program. Not everyone can register; it must be part of the requirements of the applicant’s training program. See list of clinical internship opportunities in nursing here.

  • Work Language

    The intern at Montfort must be able to offer quality care in both official languages (French and English). It may be necessary to conduct a telephone interview with the applicant to assess his or her language skills.

  • Orientation

    Each internship includes a mandatory orientation of half a day to a full day depending on the case. During the orientation, the intern will be informed of the policies and procedures specific to Montfort and trained, in both logistics and security, to allow him or her to start the internship properly. An orientation invitation will be sent to the intern approximately two (2) weeks prior to the start of the internship.

  • Preceptor/Supervisor

    The intern will know the identity of the preceptor or supervisor before the beginning of the internship. He or she will also receive all contact details so that the necessary information can be exchanged. In most cases, the intern will meet with the supervisor during the orientation, and will follow him or her afterwards.

  • Schedule

    The shifts are either days and evenings or days and nights. All are 8 hours or 12 hours, depending on the department and service. With the exception of non-clinical areas, where supervisors work from Monday to Friday, weekend shifts are scheduled. The intern will be given the full schedule of his or her internship during the orientation.

  • Dress Code

    Uniforms are loaned for clinical internships. For non-clinical placements, professional attire is required.

  • Accommodation

    Montfort does not have student residences at this time. The most popular search and booking platforms on the Web offer decent accommodations, both in terms of comfort and price, just a short walk from the Hospital. See the availabilities here.

  • Medical Care

    All international students must have adequate and valid health insurance coverage in Ontario for the entire duration of their stay. If medical attention is required, see this page.

    For urgent medical needs, call 911.

To apply for an international internship at Montfort, please complete the internship application form.

For any question regarding nursing internships, contact or by phone at 613-746-4621 ext. 6050.

Submit an internship application

Clinical Internship

Montfort is proud to offer several clinical internship opportunities to RN and LPN students. Clinical internships at the end of the program allow nursing students to deepen their knowledge and skills and to integrate the knowledge they gathered in class.

It should be noted that the Montfort Foundation annually offers the Montfort Clinical Excellence Scholarship program for provincial students at the end of their Bachelor of Science in Nursing program. Learn more about the scholarship program.

Information About
the Department
Health and Safety Office2C 110IA

Community Health Course

Non-acute consolidatio
Health service for employees

Nursing role of health office:

Assessment, first aid, tuberculosis screening, immunizations and record keeping, vaccination, post-exposure follow-up, policy and procedure review, hiring preparation for new employees

Regular schedule: day / week


Non-acute consolidation
Preoperative interview with patients (telephone, telemedicine or in person)

Pre-surgical optimization of patients

File preparation

Clinical history and examination

Exam planning

Preoperative teaching

Telemedicine opportunities

Interprofessional Collaboration (Consultations)

Regular schedule: day / week
Diabetes Clinic1D 126IA

Community Health Course

Non-acute consolidation
Diabetic Customer Service and Support

Participation in the individual or group education program

Interprofessional Collaboration

Relation with community resources

Promoting research in diabetes prevention and treatment

Regular schedule: day / week
Orthopedic Clinic1C 181IAA

Orthopedic Specialization

Community Health Course
Postoperative follow-ups

Interprofessional Collaboration

Revision or application of plaster

Consultations (elective / urgent)

Removing sutures or staples

Customer service
Obstetric Clinic 1D 173IA

Community Health Course

Interprofessional Collaboration (mostly clerks and obstetricians)

Obstetric Customer Service and Support

Pregnancy test, blood glucose test, GBS test, vaginal examination, vital signs, staple removal, wick dressings

Antenatal follow-ups

Assistance to the obstetrician

Preparation and record keeping

Organization of review or consultations

Regular schedule: day / week
Pediatric Clinic1D 139IA/IAA



Community Health Course

Non-acute consolidation
Review and triage of records

Organization of tests or exams

Review of tests, exams or results

Preparation and record keeping

Medicated follow-ups

Parent Services and Client Care (0-18 years)

Telephone instruction, telephone triage and on-site instruction (asthma pump, breastfeeding)

Sorting of consultations

Interprofessional Collaboration

Followed growth curve (weight, height and vital signs)

Regular schedule: day / week
Family Medicine Clinic 1DIA


ConsolidationObstetrician consultation (woman of childbearing age)

Follow-up to mothers and newborns

Review of tests, exams or results

Preparation and record keeping

Vital signs and weights

Bilirubin test

Regular schedule: day / week
Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehabilitation Clinic2D 182IA

Community Health Course

Non-acute consolidation
Cardiac / pulmonary rehabilitation

Exercise program

Regular customer follow-ups

Drug monitoring

Health promotion (cessation of smoking)

Varied teaching (taking medication, preventing exacerbations, hypertension, diabetes, diet and active life etc ...)


Interprofessional Collaboration (Kinesiologist, RN, Dietitian, Physiotherapist, Respiratory Therapist, Cardiologist and Respirologist)

Regular schedule: day / week
Telemedicine3B 123IA


Community Health Course
Delivery of care and remote services

Preoperative evaluation

Distance education (postpartum and breastfeeding)

Mental Health Therapy Group (Anxiety Group)

Remote medical follow-up (cardiac, childbirth, postoperative)

Interprofessional and multidisciplinary collaboration

Regular schedule: day / week
External Mental Health Clinic00BIA



Community Health Course

Non-acute consolidation
Follow-ups of patients in community

Reviews / Consultations / Treatments

Drug monitoring

Group Therapy (Anxiety, CAJAR, TCD, Day Hospital)

AGIR-group for concomitant disorders (consumption)

ACCEPT ACTION (group therapy with schizophrenia)

Customer service

Drug Clinic (Clozaril)

Interprofessional Collaboration (TS, Psychiatrist, Psychologist, RN, Psychotherapist, Occupational Therapist)

Regular schedule: day / week
Scholarship (Mental Health)
Day Surgery2A 140IAConsolidationOperating room preparation (Operative list revision, IV insertion, vital signs, drug administration)

Return to recovery room (evaluation, vital signs monitoring and operative site)

Preparation for the discharge (teaching, prescription, exercises and follow-ups)

Regular schedule: day / week
Scholarship (Surgery)
Community Intensive Treatment Team290 Rue DupuisIA/IAA


Community Health Course
Medication monitoring (pill and injection)

Monitoring and Community Support (LDA)

Health promotion for people living with mental health problems (sewing workshop, exercise program and various activities)

Home monitoring

Community integration

Interprofessional Collaboration (RN / IAA, Community Worker, HCW and Psychiatrist)

Regular schedule: day / week
Scholarship (Mental Health)
Emergency Room1AIA/IAA


Community Health Course
Level training in critical care

3 resuscitation rooms

Canadian Triage Acuity Scale (CTAS)

Dynamic and committed team and environment

Required experience (1 year)

Nursing role varied: reception, triage, green zone (minor case)

Projects: LEAN, Rapid bedding, I-Stat

Various times: day / night / night / MSDS
Scholarship (Emergency Room)
Intensive Care 1BIAConsolidationLevel training in critical care

Early Career Opportunity in Critical Care

Critical Care Certification to Get

E.R.I.C Team

Continuous Dialysis (CVVH)

Intermediate surgical care

Various times: day / night / night / MSDS

Shifts of 8 or 12 hours
Scholarship (Intensive Care)
Recovery Room2AIAConsolidationLevel training in critical care

Malignant Hyperthermia Protocol

IPAC-Nurse assistant to the surgeon

Previous experience required

Multipurpose station between recovery room and operating room

Mandatory intraoperative course

Various times: day / evening / on call
Scholarship (Surgery)
Family Birthing Centre2BIA/IAA


Community Health Course
35 patients

Mainly medicine with 4 surgical beds

LEAN surgery

Variety of cases: abdominal surgeries, urology, stomatitis care, ATP, chest drains

VAC (pressure ulcers or abdominal wounds)

Peer Recognition

Various times: day / evening / night / FDS - Quarter 8 or 12 hours
Scholarship (Family Birthing Centre)
Internal Mental Health3BIA/IAA


Community Health Course
Capacity of 56 open beds

Excellent job opportunity

Participation in research projects

Promoting Certification in Psychiatric and Mental Health Nurses of Canada (CII)

Majority of CPI trained staff

Promotion of ASSIST-Suicide and Gentle Persuasion Approaches in Dementia Care (GPA)

Intensive Care (South), Rehabilitation (North)

Interdisciplinary approach (ergo, TS, recreationologist, physiotherapist, dietitian)

Various times: day / night / night / MSDS
Scholarship (Mental Health)
Medicine / Surgery3CIA/IAAConsolidation35 patients

Mainly medicine with 4 surgical beds

LEAN surgery

Variety of cases: abdominal surgeries, urology, stomatitis care, ATP, chest drains

VAC (pressure ulcers or abdominal wounds)

Peer Recognition

Various times: day / evening / night / FDS - Quarter 8 or 12 hours
Scholarship (Surgery)


Community Health Course
30 patients

Complex care

Records requiring multiple tests / tests / procedures (angiogram, angioplasty, STENT, echocardiogram, pacemaker and pacemaker and defibrillator)

Telemetry 12 (AF, block, arrhythmias) training offered to staff

Duration of stay 5-6 days

LEAN leadership

Workload 5 day patients

Various times: day / night / MSDS - 12 hours (2 D / 2 N 5 holidays)
Scholarship (Surgery)
Medicine and rehabilitation4CIA/IAAConsolidation41 patients

Cases: stroke, COPD and cardiac or stable medical cases

Average stay 15 days (maximum 3 weeks approximately)

High proportion of LPNs

Up to 10 patients per nurse

(Discovery role) Nurse Practitioner

Various times: day / night / FDS - 12 hours
Surgery (Orthopedic)5CIA/IAAConsolidation36 beds

Duration of stay 2 days

Knee and hip arthroplasty (AMFQ)

Fractures: femur or others, urology, intestinal resection, throat surgery

Frequent service of the nurse specialized in wounds and stomotherapy (VAC, complex wounds)

LEAN surgery

Daily recognition of star employees

Distribution 70% IA and 30% IAA

Apnea Monitoring Room (1: 4)

Practice of several techniques

Charges 4 patients of day, 4 of evening and 6 of night

Various times: day / night / night / FDS - 8 hour shifts
Scholarship (Surgery)
Medicine (Storke) 6CIA/IAAConsolidation40 patients

Complex medical patients (COPD, pneumonia)

Neurological Specialization (AMFQ)

Nurse Specialist Support in Behavior Problems

LEAN leadership

2 days PAB plus a walker PAB

Workload: 5 day patients

Various times: day / evening / night / FDS - Quarter of 8 or 12 hours
Scholarship (Medicine)

To apply for a clinical internship at Montfort, please complete the internship application form.

For any question regarding nursing internships, contact or by phone at 613-746-4621 ext. 6050.

Internship request


For more information

Teaching Team