Policies and procedures
Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)
endif;?> if (!empty(get_sub_field("layout_1_subtitle"))): ?> endif;?>The Hôpital Montfort’s Research Ethics Board (REB) has adopted Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) developed by the Network of Networks (N2) and the Canadian Association of Research Ethics Boards (CAREB). They are specific to ethics boards that review-research involving humans and are compliant with applicable Canadian and US regulations, and ethics guiding principles. The purpose of those procedures is to promote quality and consistency of the review process among the different REB.
The following chart list, the adopted SOP and their complement which is specific to Hôpital Montfort, those are called «Procédures de fonctionnement normalisées (PFN) » that research team and their staff should be compliant with. You can click on this link to access a glossary of terms.
Please note that all the PFN are available in French only at this time.
REB's Roles and Functions
endif;?> if (!empty(get_sub_field("layout_1_subtitle"))): ?> endif;?>Governance
- SOP 102 Research Requiring REB Review
- SOP 105A Conflicts of Interest REB Members and REB Office Personnel
- PFN 105AA Les conflits d’intérêts – Personnels administratifs et les membres du CÉR
- SOP 105B Conflicts of Interest Researcher
- PFN 105BB Les conflits d’intérêts – chercheurs
- SOP 105C Conflicts of Interest Organization
- PFN 105CC Les conflits d’intérêts – Organisme : Hôpital Montfort
- SOP 107 Use and Disclosure of Personal Information
- SOP 201 Composition of the REB
- PFN 201B Composition du CÉR
- SOP 202 Management of REB Membership
- PFN 202B Processus nomination membres CÉR
- SOP 203 Duties of REB members
Researcher Responsibilities
Efficiency and performance
Validation process
- SOP 301 REB Submission Requirements and Administrative Review
- PFN 301B Documents à fournir au CÉR pour une soumission initiale et une demande de modification d’un projet de recherche
- SOP 302 REB Meeting Administration
- SOP 303 Document Management
- PFN 303B Gestion des documents
Evaluation process
- SOP 401 Delegated Review
- SOP 402 REB Review Decsions
- PFN 402B Exigences du CÉR liées aux demandes d’évaluation
- SOP 403 Initial Review Criteria for REB Approval
- SOP 404 Ongoing REB Review Activities
- PFN 404B Activités liées aux évaluations du CÉR en cours
- SOP 405 Continuing Review
- SOP 406 Research Completion
- SOP 407 Suspension or Termination of REB Approval
Specific conditions
- SOP 501 REB Review During Publicly Declared Emergencies
- PFN 501B Évaluation du CÉR durant les urgences publiques déclarées
- SOP 601 Communication Researcher
- SOP 602 Communication Research Participants
- PFN 602B Communication – Participants