Ariel Henden
Clinician researcher
Dr. Ariel Hendin is an Emergency Medicine and Critical Care physician practicing at the Montfort Hospital and The Ottawa Hospital. Dr. Hendin completed her Fellowship in Critical Care at The University of Ottawa, where she is also an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Medicine. Dr. Hendin’s research program focuses on innovative solutions to current health problems, and her research interests are in the areas of resuscitation, frailty, the intersection of end-of-life care and critical care, and knowledge translation. Dr. Hendin is also interested in digital transformation and developing new digital tools for potential applicability to the clinical setting.
Research interests
- Resuscitation
- Frailty
- The intersection of end-of-life care
- Critical care
- Knowledge translation
Main Adresse
Hôpital Montfort
713 Montréal Rd
Ottawa, ON K1K 0T2