Diana Koszycki, PhD, C. Psych

Senior Scientist


Member of the Faculty of Graduate Studies at the University of Ottawa

Dr. Diana Koszycki holds a Ph.D. in Psychology from Carleton University and is currently Professor of Psychology at the Faculty of Education at the University of Ottawa. Dr. Koszycki also holds a Research Chair in Mental Health at the Montfort Hospital Research Institute. Her research interests include: anxiety disorders, risk factors for anxiety, the effectiveness of psychotherapies, the genetic and biological bases of anxiety, meditation “Mindfulness”, spirituality and positive psychology.

Research interests

  • Anxiety disorders, including generalized anxiety and social anxiety
  • Psychotherapy effectiveness
  • Mindfulness, meditation, and spritually-based interventions
  • Determinants of anxiety and biological markers of stress


Webpage or blog


Main address:
Institut de recherche de l’Hôpital Montfort
202-745A Montreal Rd.
Ottawa (ON) K1K 0T1

Main telephone:
613-562-5800 ext. 4091

Research Unit:
Mental Health Research Unit