Marie-Pierre Carpentier
Clinicien chercheur
Dr. Carpentier has been practicing emergency medicine in the academic setting for over 20 years and She has been working at the Montfort Hospital in Ottawa since 2009. Dr. Carpentier has a special interest in improving the quality of care. She completed a program in quality and safety improvement in 2019 and is actively involved in quality improvement initiatives in the Emergency Department. Emergency Department.
Since the beginning of her career, Dr. Carpentier has been involved in the clinical teaching of medical students and residents and has held teaching positions at the University of Montreal, McGill University Montreal, McGill University, NOSM, and the University of Ottawa. Outside of clinical practice, Dr. Carpentier has worked at the CPMA as a physician advisor in practice improvement and safe health care from 2015 to 2020 and as a peer reviewer in peer reviewer in emergency medicine for the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario.
Main Address
713 Montreal Road
Ottawa,Ontario K1K 0T2