Jacinthe Savard



Jacinthe Savard obtained a bachelor degree in occupational therapy from Laval University, as well as a master’s in health administration and a PhD in public health from the University of Montreal. From 1983 to 1996, she held various positions combining clinical and administrative duties in the Quebec Health Care Network. She arrived at the University of Ottawa in 1996. Since 2009, she hold tow half-time positions in the Faculty of Health Sciences: the first as a professor in the School of Rehabilitation Sciences, and the second as director of research and development at the IUCPHC. She teaches two courses for the Occupational Therapy Program: L’intervention ergothérapique auprès des adultes (santé physique) and Analyse des faits scientifiques pour la pratique ergothérapique.

Research Interests

  • Health services adapted to the needs of the Canadian francophone official language minority communities
  • Interprofessional care
  • Health care professionals’ education (related to interprofessional care or active offer of French services for the Canadian official language minority communities)


Website or Blog


Main address:
University of Ottawa, Faculty of Health Sciences, School of Rehabilitation Sciences
600 Peter Morand, Room 116A
Ottawa (ON) K1G 5Z3

Main telephone:
613-562-5800 ext. 8031
