Kwadwo Kyeremanteng BSc MD FRCPC
Clinical Researcher
Dr Kyeremanteng is currently working at Montfort ICU & The Ottawa Hospital with Critical Care and Palliative Care. Dr Kyeremanteng‘s accomplishments for 2016 include leading the organ donation program at Montfort Hospital. He also led ICU City Wide Rounds which was very well received. Dr Kyeremanteng had 5 publications and received two internal grants in 2016. He also is the lead for the newly developed Quality and Safety committee for critical care.
In terms of plans for 2017, Dr Kyeremanteng has several ongoing projects. The central theme is resource utilization in the ICU. He and his colleagues have presented several abstracts at CCCF, SCCM and soon to be ATS. He also plans to continue mentoring several residents and fellows that are assisting with these projects.
Dr Kyeremanteng is hoping to further develop the Resource Optimization Network, which is a multi-disciplinary group (including members from Telfer school of management) looking at strategies to improve quality of care and reduce healthcare costs. He is also working with the ICU research group to develop a survey to evaluate the barriers of palliative involvement in ICU (funded through the ICU seed grant). If successful, he is hoping to implement the survey at a national level.
Main address:
The Ottawa Hospital
501 Smyth Rd
Ottawa (ON) K1H 8L6
Main telephone: