Peter Tanuseputro

Clinician Senior Researcher


Peter trained as a specialist in public health and preventive medicine at the University of Toronto. Peter is currently an Assistant Professor in the Division of Palliative Care in the Department of Medicine at the University of Ottawa. He practices family medicine in the community with an emphasis on palliative home visits. His research focuses on the use of health-related administrative databases to develop population-based perspectives on health care utilization and outcomes associated with aging and end of life in Ontario. He holds a Tier 2 Clinical Research Chair in Palliative Care and Predictive Analytics at the University of Ottawa.

Research Interests 

  • Using health-related administrative databases to develop population-based perspectives on health care utilization and outcomes associated with aging and end-of-life in Ontario.



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Main address
The Ottawa Hospital – Civic Campus
1053 Carling Avenue Box 693
Administrative Services Building M-07
Ottawa ON K1Y 4E9

Main phone
613-798-5555 ext. 17343