Sébastien Normand, PhD, C. Psych

Clinical Researcher


Dr. Normand has a doctorate degree in Clinical Psychology from the University of Ottawa. He is currently a pediatric psychologist at the Department of Clinical Health Psychology at the Hôpital Montfort ( Pediatric Clinic ) and a professor in the Department of Psychoeducation and Psychology at the Université du Québec en Outaouais .
His research aims to better understand the causes of social difficulties of children with the attention deficit disorder/hyperactivity disorder and to develop new treatments that target these psychosocial difficulties. Dr. Normand now starts a multisite randomized controlled trial to assess the relative efficacy of two psychosocial treatments developed to help parents promote the friendly relations of the child with attention deficit disorder/hyperactivity disorder.

Research Interests

  • Psychosocial assessment and treatment of disorder attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder ( ADHD)
  • Mental health and psychopathology in children and young
  • Peer relationships of children with with attention deficit disorder/hyperactivity disorder
  • Observational methods
  • Longitudinally studies
  • Cross-cultural research
  • Complex methods of factor analysis


Website or blog


Main address:
Hôpital Montfort
713, Montreal Rd.
Ottawa (ON) K1K 0T2

Main telephone:
613-746-4621 ext. 6232

Research Unit:
Primary Care Research Unit