Sylvie Grosjean, PhD
Affiliate scientist
Member of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies of the University of Ottawa
Sylvie Grosjean has a doctoral degree in the psychology of communication, cognition and self-representation from the Université Nancy 2 (France). She is currently an associate professor at the Department of Communications, University of Ottawa Faculty of Arts. In recent years, she has collaborated on developing a pragmatic approach to communication within work teams and organizations. Her objective is now to analyze the role of communication in actualizing cognitive and social processes (group decision-making, action coordination and the construction of knowledge). Her current and future research is a continuation of her research in recent years and, more specifically, concern the flow of knowledge in organizational settings, work team activity coordination and the role of technology (information systems, workflow, etc.) and documents (digital or not, reports, texts, etc.) in relation to team coordination and/or cooperation.
Research interest
- Organizational communication
- Organizational learning
- Communication of organizational knowledge
- Communication within working teams
- Interactions analysis
- Organizational ethnography
Main address:
University of Ottawa, départment de communication, Desmarais Hall
55 Laurier East, Room 11101B
Ottawa (ON) K1N 6N5
Main telephone:
613-562-5800 ext. 3827