Addoceo Research Chair

(Addoceo) Research Chair

in Human Resources Development in Healthcare (ISM-UQO)

The Addoceo Research Chair in Human Ressources Development in Healthcare (ISM-UQO) benefits from a grant of $50,000 per year for five years. It is the result of a collaboration between the Institut du Savoir Montfort (ISM) and the Université du Québec en Outaouais (UQO).

The purpose of the Chair is to develop an innovative research program to support the creation of an organisational environment that puts emphasis on learning. The ultimate objective is to foster the development of the skills necessary to the members of the organisations, regardless of their levels, functions or expertise.

With learning as its central theme, the Chair’s work will be part of a collaborative approach that promotes both synergy and networking of research expertise, including industrial relations, education, administrative sciences, organisational psychology and ergonomics (without being exhaustive). The research will be guided by three founding principles. From the theoretical point of view, the work will contribute to the improvement of general knowledge about human resource development. Empirically, the work will provide a better understanding of workplace learning. Finally, in practice, the Chair’s work will help develop interventions that can increase the skills of healthcare professionals.


Addoceo Research Chair in Human Resources Development in Healthcare (ISM-UQO)

  • Biography

    Martin Lauzier is an occupational psychologist and full professor in human resources management in the Department of Industrial Relations at the Université du Québec en Outaouais. He is the Scientific Director of the Centre d’études et de recherches en psychologie industrielle et comportement organisationnel (CERPICO). In terms of research and teaching, he has a general interest in human resources management and development. More specifically, he is interested in aspects of the individual/organizational interface that promote the reconciliation of well-being at work and organizational performance. His research output includes more than one hundred and fifty outputs in various forms. His research has been funded by SSHRC, FQRSC, IRHM and IRSST. Recipient of several awards, he has published his research in national and international scientific journals, as well as presented the results of his work at several Canadian, American and European scientific conferences. Before joining the ranks of professor, he held various positions related to human resources management, change management and organizational development in various departments of the Canadian federal public service. He is a senior researcher at the Montfort Knowledge Institute – Research. He is a member of the Ordre des psychologues du Québec and the Ordre des conseillers en ressources humaines agréés. In 2016, he received an award of excellence from UQO for the high quality of his teaching.

  • Research interests:
    • Learning in the workplace
    • Organizational psychology
    • Increase the skills of health professionals
    • Ergonomics in the workplace
  • Contact the Chairholder

    Lauzier, Martin, PhD

    Email : Send an email
    Main Address: Université de Québec in the Outaouais, 283 Alexandre-Taché Boulevard C-3833, Alexandre-Taché Building, Gatineau (QC) J8X 3X7

    Main Phone: (819) 595-3900 ext. 1778
    Research Unit: Industrial Relations Department