Initial assessment
if ($side_column_type == "none"): ?>
else: ?>
if (!empty(get_sub_field("layout_1_title"))): ?>
if ($side_column_type == "none"): ?>
else: ?>
Initial submission (new project)
endif;?> if (!empty(get_sub_field("layout_1_subtitle"))): ?> endif;?>The principal investigator or is designate is required to submit for evaluation and approval a complete research proposal to the REO of l’Hôpital Montfort within the published deadlines. A cover page listing all documents and the version date of each document must also be submitted with the application. The list to ensure that your proposal is complete is available below. Upon receipt the REO will confirm that all required documents have been submitted.
Document Checklist
- Checklist to confirm that submission to the Research Ethics Board (REB) is complete
- Application Form, duly completed, dated and signed, or initial submission form from another REB
- Consent form used
- Information sheet or recruitment text (advertising, notice, poster and templates, etc.)
- Research tools (questionnaire, survey, interview guide, group discussion guide, etc.)
- Research protocol, as applicable
- Research project suitability evaluation
- Confidentiality agreement concerning the protection of research data by all persons having access to research data
- Certificate of completion of the online training TCPS2 for all members of the research team
- Application form for clinical chart review, as applicable and Information Service Fee form Under review !
- Billing form for clinical trials (available in French only at this time)
Other documents that may be required
- Decisions and requests by other research ethics boards
- Changes made to the research project following such decisions
- The Ethics Certificate, as applicable
Only the electronic version of the documents is required
Due to current circumstances, the complete file, along with related forms and documents, must be submitted in electronic format only to the secretariat at this time . Please note for the electronic version, the documents must be separate and not attached one after the other as one document.