Ongoing assessment
Amendment to research protocol
Researchers shall submit to their REBs in a timely manner requests for substantive changes to their originally approved research (TCPS 2, art. 6.16). They shall report to the REB any unanticipated issue or event that may increase the level of risk to participants, or has other ethical implications that may affect participant’s welfare (TCPS 2, art. 6.15). A cover page listing all documents and the version date of each document must also be submitted with the application.
Major amendments:
Refer to the following form of major amendment request form or your institution’s amendment form.
Minor amendments:
Refer to the following form of minor amendment request form or your institution’s amendment form.
Annual renewal of the ethics approval
Ethics approval certificate renewal :
- To request an annual renewal of the ethics approval certificate, please submit this application form New ! but you can also submit your English application form from your institution.
- For any late renewal request, i.e. submitted after the end date of the ethics approval, this form must also be submitted to the REB.
Final report or file Closure Request
Submission a final report of a project or a completion report :
- To submit a final report or to request a file closure, please fill out this application form. New !